About Us
We are just two guys who sit at their desk jobs watching videos about surfing and skiing all day dreaming about our next adventure. We aren’t particularly good at any sports but nonetheless they consume us. We have been searching for a product that can protect us in the harsh environments we chose to explore but that doesn’t send us back to our desk jobs with clogged pores and icky skin. Everything on the market pretty much falls into two categories: Its extremely functional but feels like crap OR its some all natural BS that doesn’t protect you. We decided to mash the two together and bring you the ultimate functional sunscreen that is also good for your skin. Now I know what you’re thinking: how could two guys with desk jobs in NYC make the world’s best sunscreen? We can’t. But we found the mad scientist who could...

The Doctor
Introducing Dr. Mithchnfsh (He said we could use the formula as long as we didn’t use his name... he thinks the government is after him). This guy basically invented sunscreen. By that we mean he was the first one who realized zinc oxide could be used as a transparent sun blocker and he created the first sunscreens using transparent zinc oxide as the active ingredient, something that is widely used in many sunscreen products to this day. So what sunscreen does this mysterious doctor use? NONE OF THEM. Big sunscreen companies cut corners and use cheap ingredients in their products to increase margins. Not our doc, he has his own special formula that he has been making and slathering on himself for the past 20 years.

The Formula
Prior to his long period of hibernation our sunscreen shaman had a storied career working in some of the most extreme environments on the planet. He was also fortunate to have a beautiful, fair-skinned wife waiting for him at home. He needed a formula that would protect him in the harshest environments but that would also have all the premium skin care benefits for his health-conscious wife. So he used his patented zinc formula combined with premium, high performance, skin-friendly ingredients to craft the ultimate sunscreen formula.

The Cream Team
We are excited to bring this product out of the old dragon's den and share it. It truly is the first of its kind product that combines extreme functionality with premium skin care. There's a reason for the high price tag; making the world's best sunscreen isn’t cheap. We don't cut any corners. From the tube to the ingredients, we only use the best. But your skin is worth it. You only get one. Unless your a snake. Try burnd and give big sunscreen the finger. We are excited to welcome you to the cream team.